With Rhea’s knowledge of environmental regulations, familiarity with ACAA/PIT operations, and responsiveness, Rhea successfully worked within extremely tight timeframes in order to meet CONSOL’s aggressive project schedule.
CONSOL Energy Environmental Assessment
Rhea was subcontracted by CONSOL Energy Inc. to complete an Environmental Assessment (EA) for a natural gas drilling project at the Pittsburgh International Airport. In accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), an EA outlining the potential impacts and mitigation measures that would result from the project had to be developed and approved by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) prior to drilling.
Rhea worked closely with CONSOL and their specialized contractors to gather the necessary information regarding nineteen different environmental consequences that could result from the project. The completed EA outlines impacts, mitigation, methods of decreasing impacts, and the applicable environmental regulations and permits for the following environmental consequences: air quality, coastal resources, land use, construction transportation, farmlands, wildlife, floodplains, hazardous materials, cultural resources, light emissions, natural resources, noise, secondary (induced) impacts, water quality, socioeconomic impacts, wetlands, wild rivers, and cumulative impacts.
Rhea’s assessment allowed for CONSOL to create a site layout in which project components (primarily drilling pads, impoundments, and pipeline) were placed so that environmental impacts were eliminated or limited to the greatest extent practicable, while still being located appropriately to capture the approximately one trillion cubic feet of natural gas at the site.
Rhea also led CONSOL through the public awareness process (a requirement of the EA) which included multiple Public Workshops and placement of advertisements.
Services: Environmental Services
Industries: Energy + Utilities