Rhea has a long history of working with the U.S. Military and other federal agencies on a variety of engineering and environmental challenges.
Federal Government
Some of the services we provide for our federal clients include:
GSA Schedules Program
Environmental Site Assessments
Stormwater Infrastructure Inspection, Mapping, Maintenance, + Design
Hazardous Waste Reporting + Disposal Planning
Remediation of Leaking Underground Storage Tank Sites
Engineering + Design Services
Geotechnical Support
Unexploded Ordnance (UXO) Clearance
Landfill Monitoring + Maintenance
Long-Term Groundwater Monitoring
Lead-Based Paint + Asbestos Inspection
Radon Evaluations
Geographic Information System (GIS) Support
Archaeological + Historic Surveys in Compliance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act
Public Outreach, Stakeholder Consultation, + Communications
Looking for additional federal government project capabilities? Check out our expanded services through our Rhea-GPI Joint Venture.
Rhea has decades of experience working closely with military and other federal clients, providing consistent, high-quality environmental, mapping, and engineering services. We know how to navigate the specific regulatory requirements of federal projects and make it our priority to understand each project’s unique needs and challenges.
Our federal work has taken place in contexts ranging from military installations to landfills to dams. Whether a project requires long-term monitoring or one-time attention, we are prepared to work with our clients to develop an efficient, cost-effective schedule.
Strong client relationships matter to us, and some of our federal contracts have been continuously renewed for over a decade.
Dam Maintenance Program Development and Implementation
Rhea oversaw a complex dam maintenance project, including the controlled drawdown of the reservoir, and developed plans to deal with seepage, erosion, and overgrown vegetation at the site.
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Remediation Design + Management
When our client identified pollution from former storage tanks, Rhea determined the extent of the leak and developed a remediation plan that enabled our client to achieve regulatory closure.
Unexploded Ordnance Training and Monitoring During Stormwater Pipeline Repair
Rhea provided unexploded ordnance safety awareness training and oversight during a project to repair deteriorated stormwater infrastructure at a military installation known to have sub-surface unexploded ordnance.
Military Stormwater Support, Mapping, and Discharge Study
Rhea was tasked with surveying and mapping the stormwater infrastructure at a large military installation in Maryland, and with preparing a system to detect and eliminate illicit discharges.
Phase I Historic Architectural + Archaeological Surveys
To determine if any National Historic Preservation Act sites would be affected, Rhea was contracted to complete architectural and archaeological surveys of Parsons, WV for United States Army Corp of Engineers prior to entering into a cost-share agreement for flood reduction measures.
Pistol Range Remediation Design + Management
The Rhea team removed and disposed of a Pistol Range bullet trap, all ancillary equipment, and projectiles from an earthen backstop berm and rebuilt the berm.
Civil War UXO Survey
The scope of the investigation was to apply geophysical technology at 19 proposed boring locations to attempt to positively identify subsurface features of interest, especially any unexploded ordnance (UXO) that might still have been in the ground from the Civil War, but also any other metallic obstructions that could be present.
Petroleum, Oil, + Lubricant Sites Remediation Operations + Maintenance
Rhea was contracted by the Department of Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Mid-Atlantic to perform operations and maintenance of multiple types of remediation systems aboard MCB Camp Lejeune.
Remediation System Design, Build, Operations + Maintenance with Surfactant Injections
Rhea was contracted by the Department of Navy, Naval Facilities Engineering Command Mid-Atlantic to provide design assistance and environmental construction services for the installation of the TC-341 free-phase product recovery system.
Ozone Injection Pilot Test
Rhea was tasked with an ozone injection pilot test to determine the feasibility of using ozone injections at the Gottschalk Marina (GCM) site and other similar Petroleum, Oil, and Lubricant sites aboard Marine Corps Base (MCB) Camp Lejeune.
AS/SVE System Installation, Soil Excavation, + Operations + Maintenance
Rhea was tasked with the installation of an air sparge soil vapor extraction system at the Gottschalk Marina aboard Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune.
EPCRA Tier II Report
Due to Rhea’s familiarity with Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act reporting at a federal facility, Rhea was able to utilize past knowledge of the facility to perform an efficient field inventory, as well as use their IT team’s existing data infrastructure to ensure integrity in the results.
Radon Technical Services
The Radon Technical Services at a federal facility required a significant amount of planning and coordination between base personnel and the project team. Coordination during the field effort allowed the devices to be deployed in accordance with the predetermined schedule.
Phase II Archaeological Investigation
Rhea was contracted to complete a Phase II Archaeological Investigation of the site to determine the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility. This fast-paced project required the completion of the fieldwork in under three months.
Long Term Monitoring at Select Operable Units
Rhea has performed long term monitoring activities at Marine Corps Air Station Cherry Point Operable Units for more than a decade and closely tracks contaminant trends through a variety of statistical analyses.