Rhea recognizes that it is important to align our technical resources and experience with the interests of our environmental clients. Rhea has extensive experience providing environmental services for both public and private sector clients.
Environmental Services
Our skills include the following:
Rhea’s skilled team of environmental scientists and engineers provide a wide range of environmental services to clients across numerous industries. From permitting and planning to long-term monitoring, Rhea can help our clients to meet their goals.
Prior to development, Rhea’s staff can help our clients to navigate permitting requirements and identify environmental concerns within the project areas. Our team looks at the big picture of a site, identifying historic hazards, as well as wetlands, waterways, cultural resources, and other features that may impact a project.
Our team can also support client’s long-term compliance needs, including site monitoring, hazardous waste management plans, and EPCRA reporting.
When our clients face environmental challenges, Rhea can help them to design solutions and manage their environmental impacts.
Site Characterization/Remedial Investigation
Wetland Investigation
Radon Investigation
Building Materials Surveys + Risk Assessments
Feasibility Studies/Regulatory Decision Documents
Engineering Design for Site Cleanup
Environmental Permitting and Compliance
Emergency Planning Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) Reporting Services
Public Outreach, Stakeholder Consultation, + Communications
Road Connectors in a High Traffic Area
Rhea is providing surveying, environmental, geotechnical, and archaeological support for a major road connector project in Moon, Pennsylvania.
Leaking Underground Storage Tank Remediation Design + Management
When our client identified pollution from former storage tanks, Rhea determined the extent of the leak and developed a remediation plan that enabled our client to achieve regulatory closure.
Unexploded Ordnance Training + Monitoring During Stormwater Pipeline Repair
Rhea provided unexploded ordnance safety awareness training and oversight during a project to repair deteriorated stormwater infrastructure at a military installation known to have sub-surface unexploded ordnance.
Turning Landfill Gas into Energy
Rhea’s team evaluated plans for a radical redesign of a Mexico City landfill, aimed at decreasing the site’s ecological impact and improving its long-term environmental sustainability.
Pistol Range Remediation Design + Management
The Rhea team removed and disposed of a Pistol Range bullet trap, all ancillary equipment, and projectiles from an earthen backstop berm and rebuilt the berm.
Acoustic Monitoring of Aircraft Traffic
Rhea is conducting acoustic monitoring to estimate aircraft traffic at 12 regional airports in western Pennsylvania.
Airport Surveying + Environmental Services
Rhea has provided surveying and environmental services, including environmental site assessments, topographic surveying, and wetlands delineation in support of infrastructural improvements at Pittsburgh International and other Pennsylvania airports.
Environmental Screening for Planned Water Infrastructure Improvements
Rhea conducted an Environmental Screening over a large area with an extensive industrial history, using a diverse set of publicly available environmental resources to identify areas of potential risk.
Morgantown Runway Extension Stormwater Design
When a regional airport needed to increase its capacity, Rhea provided stormwater designs and plans for erosion and pollution management for their new 1,001-foot runway extension.
Wetland Investigation of Microgrid Solar PV Array Site
The Allegheny County Airport Authority sponsored the Solar Photovoltaic Microgrid Project at the Pittsburgh International Airport to make productive use of a capped and inactive landfill. Rhea was contracted to complete a wetland investigation of the site.
CONSOL Energy Environmental Assessment
With Rhea’s knowledge of environmental regulations, familiarity with ACAA/PIT operations, and responsiveness, Rhea successfully worked within extremely tight timeframes in order to meet CONSOL’s aggressive project schedule.
EPCRA Tier II Report
Due to Rhea’s familiarity with Emergency Planning and Community Right-To-Know Act reporting at a federal facility, Rhea was able to utilize past knowledge of the facility to perform an efficient field inventory, as well as use their IT team’s existing data infrastructure to ensure integrity in the results.
Wetland + Stream Investigation for Connector Road Construction
Competent, efficient, and accurate field work and identification of environmental concerns by Rhea personnel allowed site development activities to be carried out in a safe and environmentally-sound manner.
Radon Technical Services
The Radon Technical Services at a federal facility required a significant amount of planning and coordination between base personnel and the project team. Coordination during the field effort allowed the devices to be deployed in accordance with the predetermined schedule.
Evaluation of Lead Contamination Surrounding a Rifle Range
Rhea was contracted to complete a lead assessment at private property next to a Rifle Range. A lead assessment was necessary due to the presence of lead and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contamination caused from the operation of an adjoining Rifle Range.
Semi-annual Groundwater Sampling
Competent, efficient, and accurate field work and data processing allowed for the collection of viable analytical data and the creation of contaminant trend plots, which allowed for the identification of groundwater and dust sampling trends.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Compliance Support Services
Coordination with state agencies allowed Rhea to quickly and effectively determine the appropriate steps required to achieve compliance with the required permits. Rhea efficiently and competently completed all necessary paperwork and field work in a timely manner.
Transportation Authority Phase II Environmental Site Assessment
Rhea successfully oversaw the advancement of 20 soil boring and the installation of 10 temporary monitoring wells using direct-push technology to determine if site contamination existed at a potential new transportation facility site.