Our team offers comprehensive services for commercial and industrial clients and spaces. Rhea has the experience to approach your design challenge with efficient, creative solutions.
Commercial + Industrial
Our services for commercial and industrial clients include:
Green Stormwater Infrastructure
Land + Boundary Surveys
As-Built Services
ALTA Surveys
Pavement Design
Geotechnical Investigation
Lead Paint + Asbestos Survey + Remediation
Rhea supports our commercial and retail clients through every stage of their projects, from planning to design to execution. Our surveyors and environmental scientists provide clients with detailed, accurate maps of boundaries, hazards, and existing features, helping them through the process of site selection and assessment.
Across the Rust Belt, former industrial sites pose unique environmental challenges to commercial redevelopment. Rhea has decades of experience identifying, characterizing, and remediating the environmental impacts of past industry. When an existing site needs updates, our environmental team can make sure that renovations are done safely, efficiently, and responsibly.
Characterization of Coal Refuse Impoundment
Rhea’s team made innovative use of geophysical methods to define coal refuse impoundments where site conditions made conventional exploration techniques impractical.
Freedom Industries Site Geophysics
Freedom Industries was a chemical storage facility located along the Elk River just upstream of the confluence with the Kanawha River. In 2014, a chemical spill contaminated the water supply for the City of Charleston, WV for more than two weeks.
Stormwater Evaluation at Remnant City Carpet
Rhea conducted a watershed and runoff analysis to identify necessary improvements to the drainage system of an iconic local business and prevent future flood damage.
Evaluation of Lead Contamination Surrounding a Rifle Range
Rhea was contracted to complete a lead assessment at private property next to a Rifle Range. A lead assessment was necessary due to the presence of lead and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) contamination caused from the operation of an adjoining Rifle Range.
Semi-annual Groundwater Sampling
Competent, efficient, and accurate field work and data processing allowed for the collection of viable analytical data and the creation of contaminant trend plots, which allowed for the identification of groundwater and dust sampling trends.
National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Compliance Support Services
Coordination with state agencies allowed Rhea to quickly and effectively determine the appropriate steps required to achieve compliance with the required permits. Rhea efficiently and competently completed all necessary paperwork and field work in a timely manner.