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Flashback Friday: Seismic Stability White Paper
This paper written in-part by Rhea President Marcy Johnson in 1986, examines the slope stability under earthquake conditions of a dredged slope in Charleston, South Carolina area. Both circular failure surfaces and wedge-type failure surfaces are examined using limit equilibrium techniques. The effect of variations in river water level is analyzed. Of particular interest in this study, is the effect of the loose sand layer at the interface of the marl and the overlying soils and its influence on slope performance.
Ghosts and geophysics...just in time for Halloween
Last fall, our archaeological geophysics team performed a survey of lost graves at two historic cemeteries in Alexandria, Virginia. They planned to spend their time looking for coffins, but they did not expect to end up investigating a ghost story.

Looking for Lost Graves
The identification of graves is an important issue at many historical cemeteries. As excavation is seldom a desirable solution to locating unmarked graves, methods of detecting burials from the ground surface can have an obvious benefit.

Characterization of Unusual Ground Fissuring in a Dry Lakebed
Ground fissuring at playa lakes is a common geohazard where differential settlement of aquifer sediments caused by groundwater extraction is considered to be the mechanism for fissure development.
“We are all connected; To each other, biologically. To the earth, chemically. To the rest of the universe atomically.”
— Neil deGrasse Tyson
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